Statuette PVC, taille env. 26 cm avec socle décor en édition limitée.
Age: 16 (biologically) Blood Type: Unknown Height: 168 cm (5'6") Occupation: Slave (Formerly), Terrorist, Leader of the Geass Order (Formerly), Right-hand woman of Lelouch, Knightmare Pilot Allegiance: Order of the Black Knights Position: Second-in-command of the Black Knights Knightmare: Burai, Gawain (Co-pilot), Akatsuki Command Model, Lancelot Frontier
C.C. (pronounced "C2") is the tritagonist of the anime/manga series Code Geass. She is an immortal woman and the former leader of the Geass Order that abandons the order and allies herself with Lelouch vi Britannia, granting him his Geass power and becoming his right-hand.
C.C. is serious, solemn, and emotionally cut off from the world. For being betrayed in the past, she feels she cannot form a meaningful connection to anyone and only allies herself with others out of the pragmatic desire to reach her goal of ending her own life. Despite this, her time with Lelouch allows her to begin breaking down her emotional barriers, eventually learning to care for others again and see the value in her life, even making her experience what love feels like, an emotion she is unfamiliar with up to that point.
Character Background (Major Spoilers): C.C. is immortal, healing from any wound (implied to include beheading) with enough time. She also doesn't age. Additively, C.C. can bestow people with the power of Geass, which manifests differently in each person but generally carries the ability to affect the minds of those it used on in some way. A Geass sigil appears on her forehead whenever she manifests this power, and she has a similar scar on her left breast. Her powers caught the interest of Britannia, who imprisoned her for experimentation purposes.
In the first season finale, C.C. triggers a trap set by V.V., causing herself and Lelouch to submerge in a shock image sequence similar to the one she used on Suzaku. Through this, Lelouch sees memories of her past, including repeated "deaths." Further memories show her being persecuted as a witch and suffering various forms of torture and execution throughout history and different periods, including burning at the stake, guillotining, and the iron maiden. Being tortured in such a variety of ways indicates that she lived for at least five or six centuries.
In the past, she appears to have observed Suzaku and Lelouch when they were both children, having even interacted with Lelouch at one point, though he doesn't remember their meeting.
Her individual experiences have led C.C. to become a detached and lonely individual, with little care for even those she has entered into contracts with. She tells Lelouch that she has been alive so long that she can no longer remember who loves her and hates her.She also has a somewhat obsessive penchant for pizza, especially Pizza Hut's Cheese-Kun. Her love for pizza is so strong that she is willing to risk herself getting captured, twice nearly exposing herself to get a piece of a giant pizza made by the Student Council—which ruined both times.
C.C. is willful almost to a fault, usually doing whatever she wants regardless of whether or not it inconveniences others, particularly with Lelouch. In episode 5, she purposely uses her contract to make it sound like an engagement in front of Nunnally. In one episode, she said to Nunnally that she and Lelouch are 'busy,' making Nunnally misunderstand.
When left alone, she has sometimes spoken to a previously unknown person through means unknown, which, in episode 23, was revealed to be Marianne, Lelouch's "deceased" mother. However, in episode 19, it appears that she is talking to V.V. as well.First Season: C.C. makes her first appearance at the beginning of the first episode of the series, watching a ten-year-old Lelouch and a ten-year-old Suzaku observing the Britannian Military as they enter Japan.
C.C. introduced when Nagata opens the capsule that supposedly contains poison. Suzaku quickly puts his gas mask on Lelouch's face, but to their surprise, a restrained green-haired woman, C.C., emerges out of the capsule. Before they can get answers, Suzaku's superiors come and tell him to shoot the "terrorist," Lelouch. When he refuses, he got shot in the back. Lelouch and C.C. take the opportunity to escape. Unfortunately, Lelouch's phone rings, giving him away. As they're about to kill him, C.C. jumps in front and gets shot in the forehead. A desperate Lelouch now thinks of his impending death. C.C. grabbed the hand of Lelouch, proposing a contract that would allow him to live and endow him with Geass, the power of kings. She then supposedly dies.
She unexpectedly reappears in the fifth episode, casually folding origami with Nunnally. From this point on, she passively oversees Lelouch's missions as Zero, wanting to keep him alive to fulfill his contract.
When C.C.'s existence revealed to the Black Knights, she gains considerable unofficial standing, as other members see her as one of Zero's closest advisers. However, her rebellious attitude and lack of an official posting annoy some veteran members and confuse them about her role within the Black Knights. At one point, Tamaki goes so far as to accuse her of being Zero's mistress falsely. When the Black Knights gain possession of the Knightmare Frame Gawain, she becomes its pilot while Lelouch operates the weapons.
In the season finale, she uses the Gawain to battle Jeremiah Gottwald's Siegfried so Lelouch can save his sister. She then kisses Lelouch to his surprise before bringing him to safety. After Lelouch is out of harm's way, C.C. dragged Jeremiah and herself to the ocean floor to end the battle while narrating that the spark of Lelouch's actions was the core of human motivation: the desire for just a tiny amount of happiness.Second Season: At the start of the second season, C.C. appears to be commanding the Black Knights. Along with Kallen, Urabe, and the remaining Black Knights, she initiates an operation to unlock Zero's memory that the Emperor of Britannia sealed away. Despite the Intelligence Agency having followed Lelouch in anticipation of that exact outcome, she successfully restored his memories through an unexpected kiss. She takes up her old position following this.
Later on, she revealed to have formerly led the Geass Directorate, a secret organization that studies and produces Geass users. V.V. succeeded C.C. as the leader and relocated the headquarters to somewhere in the Chinese Federation.
Her past is revealed to Lelouch after he is transported to the Sword of Akasha to face the Emperor. She also shows that he would have become immortal had he taken her code, rendering her mortal and thus granting her wish, which is to die and spares him by offering her life to the Emperor. Lelouch refuses to let her die unhappy and rescues her, telling his father that he would not let him take her away from him. Afterward, she regains the will to pursue the life she wishes. C.C. decided to bet her hopes on sealing away her code, losing her memories of Geass, and reverts to her personality as it was before she came under the contract that ultimately bestowed immortality upon her.
Following her memory loss, C.C. remains in Lelouch's quarters, believing him to be her master. Marianne, possessing Anya Alstreim's body, locates C.C. and awakens her memories.
C.C. is aware of Lelouch's plan after becoming the Emperor and is shocked to learn that Nunnally is alive. She later comforts Lelouch when he is troubled about what to do about Nunnally. Last, she rendezvous with Lelouch, but their conversation is soon interrupted by Kallen. Kallen attacks the Avalon with the Guren, almost killing Lelouch before C.C. intervenes in her Lancelot.During the epilogue, C.C. travels the countryside in the back of a cart with Cheese-Kun and the origami she and Nunnally made. She talks about how the Geass is supposed to bring loneliness, yet Lelouch proved this wrong. Knowing that Lelouch did not hate her for giving him the Geass, she can now show her true feelings, and with the realization of "Zero Requiem," her time with Lelouch, who was able to forgive and accept her, came to an end. Still, the memories created with him have, without doubt, saved her from eternal loneliness. The final shot is a pink paper crane, representing the wish for a peaceful world, Zero Requiem, offering comfort to C.C.Geass (Formerly): Before becoming immortal, C.C.'s Geass granted her the power "to be loved," allowed her to make anyone love her. She originally started with a Geass symbol in her left eye. Still, as she matured, she eventually developed another in her right, implying that she became unable to control it, causing everyone to love her.Code of Immortality: C.C. can bestow people with the power of Geass, which manifests differently in each person but generally carries the ability to affect the minds of those it used in some way.
Her code allows her to detect people connected to Geass and people who are important to them. It will enable her to see the location of her contractors and confirm who possesses a Geass power and who does not, regardless of whom granted it to them.
When close to another person, C.C can afflict them with a hallucinatory experience of chaotic and ominous images, pertaining in part to the memories of the target involved; the content varies with the afflicted.(Source: Code Geass Wiki, Villains Wiki, Heroes Wiki)
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